Young Beginners Ages 7-9
For the very young student, an award-winning teaching method called KinderFlute is used with reinforcing games and practice incentives.
Young Flute Beginners
Beginning flute players can start as young as 7 years old.
Experience with the Yamaha fife prepares your youngster for a lifetime of enrichment in organized musical groups. The Yamaha Fife fingers simply, like a recorder, but uses a real flute-style mouthpiece.
Fife classes will cover the fundamentals of flute-playing, including posture, breathing, embouchure, fingering, rhythm, and note reading, and will culminate in a short performance on the last day.
Classes will be scheduled to acccommodate the best times for class participants.
- Target ages: 7 – 10 years old
- Dates: Every 6 weeks
- Location: FluteKeys Studio,1202 Devonshire Dr. (near the intersection of Galen and Devonshire in Champaign)
- Minimum class size: one student per class
- Maximum class size: six students per class
- Price: $100, including fife and music book
Any questions, email FluteKeys Studio or call the Studio at (217) 355-9498.
For more details on the fife from Yamaha, Click Here.