FluteKeys Studio currently offers three flute choirs. The Andante Choir is an introductory flute ensemble for students who are ready for the first organized flute group. The Allegro Choir is for students performing at a typical eighth grade and early high school level.

One of the performances that brings a lot of smiles—and a lot of dollars for a good cause—is playing at the Salvation Army bucket in Wal Mart.

The Presto Choir is for more advanced high school students. At right is the Presto Choir performing at the Festival of Trees, another regular performance venue.
Choirs are open to all flute students whether they take private lessons at the FluteKeys Studio or not. Size of the ensembles ranges from four students to ten students, to assure plenty of individual attention.
Performance Opportunities
The Andante and Allegro Flute Choirs will perform once or twice during fall semester and during the annual spring recital. They may also perform at other times during the year as opportunities arise and scheduling permits.
Rehearsal Times
Rehearsals take place at the FluteKeys Studio, 1202 Devonshire Drive, Champaign, IL. Both choirs rehearse once a week on Monday nights. Times are subject to change based on the schedules of the participants.
Payment for either flute choir is $110-$150 per semester, depending on number of rehearsals and performances that semester. Scholarships are available if finances are a consideration.
There are no refunds for missed rehearsals.
Try out a Choir - No Charge
You are invited to attend a choir rehearsal or two for free if you would like to see what the group is like before committing to a semester. Once committed for a semester, choir members are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances since their fellow choristers depend on them.
Small Group Instruction
Also we offer small-group instruction for young beginners ages 7-9. Playing together is a big motivator for all.
Interested in these or any other ensembles? Make sure to let us know.